How To Figure Out What’s Next Without Feeling Frustrated.

Marian Show
3 min readApr 10, 2023

NO FUTURE — Just now!

There’s something so satisfying about knowing the future isn’t made yet. It is made as you take every step.

pc: Josh Hild (Unsplash)

Stay with me…

I don’t know if anyone else has watched Terminator; Sarah Connor series. It’s quite an old series but I found myself watching it a few weeks back. The series is about a young woman, Sarah Connor who had to return to the past to change the future in order to save her son, who is supposed to save mankind from robots taking over.

Now hear this,

Every new thing Sarah did was to protect John from a future that has not happened. Everything done seemed to push towards that particular point of interjection. Every action or no-action either led to that future setting or not. It was literally an endless process. It was a fight of their lives and a future with already-made experiences.

Now, that’s the thing;

Everyday of our lives, we live it with complete uncertainty of the future we want. There’s no way to take a peek into that future but we choose to believe we’re working towards it. Every little aspect of now counts for later. But what we don’t understand is, that future doesn’t exist yet. There’s no future to work towards. There’s just now and what you make of now. The “future” is the test result from a long, tricky schoolwork.

This scenario is like putting an egg on the bare floor and a glass cup on it in order to keep it safe.

There are a million and one reasons that egg won’t make it to the next day. But there are also a whole other buck-load of reasons for the egg to survive. Let’s run through the pros and cons, shall we?

  1. The glass could crack.
  2. Breeze or natural disasters can happen thereby destabilizing the glass.
  3. An external force e.g a crawling child could remove the glass, play with the egg till it cracks or shatters.
  4. The floor can dilapidate, affecting the egg.
  5. Over time, the floor might become unbalanced leading to the glass falling over and smashing the egg.

I could list some more examples of this egg not making it but I believe you get the idea now.

Let’s liken the egg to ourselves and the glass to our minds. Let’s also liken the vices threatening to bring down the egg to the world.

You get the picture?……

There would have been a future for that egg if everything is fixed. But nothing is. Nothing can be. It’s not our world. We’re more like tenants in here so everything is programmed to push us out of it.

It takes your non-resilient values and head-on attitude to continue to maneuver the different adversaries that are fixed upon your ways.

Imagine it is a game. Every interaction with the game is supposed to trigger your flight-or-fight response and pump more adrenaline within you. There are some hurdles that are all too easy to overcome but there are some that you have to try at least thrice before you’re able to master the stage.

The future of that game could be successful, giving up or remaining in one stage, frustrated and forcefully trying to make it through.

Each hurdle is to test your mind, your talents, your values, your thoughts. You could decide to cheat your way through but what happens then?. Is the game truly successful? Does it actually end there?

What you bring to the game is a clear mind, willingness to learn & understand and prompt attention.

That’s what you need to set that concept called “future”. Negatives are there to always challenge. They will always be there. They must be there. If they’re not, then it’s just a bland, predictable experience that might make you lose your sanity.

Here’s me reminding you to remain strong in the face of the threats meant to break you.

Cheerio! 🥂



Marian Show

Realistic. Not an expert on emotions but in touch with mine. Breathe & Live. Connection between the mind and reality.